I have much to say about my first seven months as Executive Director of One Omaha. As a product of this incredible organization’s training, education, and engagement, I look back
One Omaha awarded $5,000 in mini-grant funds to five local organizations working to improve the quality of life in our communities. The purpose of the One Omaha mini-grant is to
It is imperative that we create a comprehensive climate action plan to improve the quality of life in our community, address decades of environmental racism, and determine how to best foster a sustainable future that includes clean air, clean water, and a healthful environment for all.
One Omaha welcomes Kimara Z. Snipes as the organization’s new executive director. With a proven track record of community engagement and a passion for empowering neighborhoods, she brings a wealth of experience to our small-but-mighty team.
Reporting to the Board of Directors, the Executive Director will have overall strategic and operational responsibility for One Omaha’s staff, fundraising, programming, advocacy, partnerships, and public relations.
Grow your group with our free facilitation services, including asset mapping, SWOT analysis, strategic planning, and visioning sessions.
On May 26, One Omaha’s Engagement Manager Alex O’Hanlon presented the following testimony to the Omaha City Charter Convention.
One Omaha provides facilitation services for community groups to help strategize, prioritize and build capacity.
In June 2021, One Omaha launched a community-building mini-grant to lower barriers of entry to creating change in Omaha. We aimed to provide funding quickly and directly to local community-based groups looking to make positive changes in our city.
Since 2015, One Omaha has focused on addressing the lack of knowledge and resources available to community leaders.
We believe that by engaging and connecting people to their communities and improving participation in general, we will enrich the prosperity of our community.
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